2022 最新NSW企业补助
2021圣诞节前后,新洲的新冠确诊病例连连创新高。刚刚有所复苏的新洲商业经济再次面 临严峻考验。新洲政府近期出台了2022小生意扶持项目(Small Business Support Pro- gram) 以帮助新洲企业应对当前的Omicron疫情影响,在上周最终确定了具体实施细则。
Our experienced and dedicated accountants will help you navigate the complexity of Australian tax and accounting regulations as well as employer responsibilities, ensuring your business is complying with ever-changing legislations. Our accredited team of professionals keep abreast of the latest tax legislation and rulings.
With our knowledgeable and skilled team at your side, you can be rest assured that your tax matters and hard-working wealth are well looked after. Our attention to details ensures optimum outcomes for our clients.
We prepare and lodge annual income tax returns for all types of businesses structures, including companies, trusts, partnerships, joint-ventures, Self-Managed Superannuation Funds, sole traders etc.
Business’s need to pay FBT on any cash or non-cash benefits provided to employees. Our team will take care of all paperwork and lodge your FBT return on time to ensure your legal compliance.
Goods and services tax (GST) is a broad-based tax of 10% on most goods, services and other items sold or consumed in Australia. Our expert team can provide you GST advices and legislation updates of your specific industry. We will guide you through your every-day operation and make sure timely BAS preparation and lodgement.
The taxation complexity of an individual taxpayer is often overlooked. With both individual mobility and business practices extremely empowered by digital social media technology and transportation evolution, an individual’s residency status could be more complex than ever, and thus the taxation consequence.
Let us help you manage your payroll with our smooth, streamlined approach. We will reduce the administrative burden of your Single Touch Payroll (STP) and SuperStream reporting obligations. We take a proactive approach to help clients comply with local payroll tax obligations you may have. You are in safe hands when you use our expertise.
Considering investing in Australian properties or shares, selling investment in Australia or overseas? You will need an accountant not just telling you how much tax you need to pay. Most importantly, you need an expert helping you visualise scenarios and tax implications even before acquisition and disposal decisions to avoid nasty surprises.
Our expert team will assist you with the tax audit/review process with authorities, eg Australian Taxation Office, Revenue NSW, Icare NSW etc. We will assist you every step of the way and take the opportunity to review how efficiently and systematically your business is managed.
We cannot emphasise enough the importance of an effective tax planning. It is never too early or too late to start a tax planning for you and your loved ones’ short-term and long-term financial goals. Please feel free to contact us. You may be surprised how your perception of your assumed dos and don’ts may be changed.
For a free, no-obligation quote, tell us about your needs by filling out the form below.
We deliver true results, focusing on strategic decisions and practical
actions tailored to our clients' unique reality.
2021圣诞节前后,新洲的新冠确诊病例连连创新高。刚刚有所复苏的新洲商业经济再次面 临严峻考验。新洲政府近期出台了2022小生意扶持项目(Small Business Support Pro- gram) 以帮助新洲企业应对当前的Omicron疫情影响,在上周最终确定了具体实施细则。
2021年7月26日起,凡受到疫情影响且符合申请条件的各类企业均可向州政府申请Jobsaver 保工补贴和Mico Business微小企业补贴。
上周二晚间澳大利亚财政部⻓Josh Frydenberg公布了2022-2023财政年联邦预算案。 此次联邦预算案似乎缺少了以往两次预算案的光环、亮点以及大众关注。